The little pig goes to bed immediately after supper. 小猪总是晚饭后立刻睡觉。
Mummy pig couldn't help going in the garden to check on her new residents before going to bed. 晚上睡觉前,猪妈妈忍不住又到花园里去,想再看看刺猬一家。
Fifth, preventive measures: 1, strengthen management and sanitation and disinfection work: try to keep pig bed clean and dry; 预防措施:1、加强饲养管理和卫生消毒工作:尽量保持栏舍洁净、干燥;
The technology of pig fermentation bed is developing rapidly, more and more people pay attention to it. It has great significance both on the control emissions and pollution of pig. 生物发酵床养猪技术发展迅速,受到了越来越多养殖户的关注,它在生猪的养殖和污染治理等方面具有重要的意义。